In case you haven't been paying attention the last ten years, Tiger Woods is pretty good. I think the PGA can get used to seeing Tiger wearing red on Sunday's for at least another decade.
Has Pete Rose looked in the mirror lately? I love the fact that he comes right out and admits that if steroids were available when he played he'd have 5,000 hits. What a loser.
This guy was 13-14 last year. Does that seem worthy of a 4 year $48 million contract? I guess it does if you're the Seattle Mariners.
These guys are certifiably insane. Surfing has never appealed to me but you've got to have some serious stones to do this. Check out some of the video footage on the link, too.
A recap of the Winter Classic. You know I'm no fan of the NHL but I've spoken to people who attended this game (as would any good reporter) and it sounded like fun- freezing cold, wet snow, windy, couldn't see the puck and a game that had no flow to it because of the constant delays. I think there's a reason hockey is played indoors.
This kind of stinks. I thought that people were guilty until proven innocent in this country. I was really looking forward to the backlash of the Mitchell Report but apparently there won't be any and that's too bad.
Remember Anthony Smith? This is a little late on my part, but I think that you could see this coming. The Steelers should just save themselves the trouble and cut him now.
A little light reading for your enjoyment. I've not seen a Cliff Notes version so I guess you have no choice but to read all 409 pages.
These guys are awesome.
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