You've probably all been wondering what I've been up to the last few months that I haven't been blogging. Well, I'm proud to say that I was jetting around with Tom Brady and Bill Belichick and have some (not-so) exlusive photos from our time together. Now, you may think that the devastating loss to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl would drive these two into the bowels of Gillette Stadium where they would plot and scheme how to become the first team to ever go 22-0 next year on their way to re-breaking every offensive statistic know to man. Well, think again, my good friends, because things aren't always what they seem:
Exhibit A:

Apparently losing the Super Bowl didn't affect Brady too much because here he's seen at some fancy schmancy art opening. I have no clue how Brady could possibly care about anything artsy when the Manning's own the last two Super Bowls. Nice hair, Pat Riley.
Exhibit 2:

The only reason anyone would ever have for wearing such big ugly sunglasses is because you had been lamenting the loss of the Super Bowl for weeks on end. Somehow I don't think that's the case in this photo. I don't care how much you like Gisele, no woman is worth being seen in public wearing those sunglasses. Nice scarf, pretty boy.
Exhibit C:

It was nice to see Brady at one of the Celtics' recent playoff games. Although, I have no clue why he'd be wearing that ridiculous hat. Is it too much to ask for him to wear some home town colors every once in a while?
Exhibit 2:

I was so blindsided by the Yankees hat that I almost didn't realize Brady was wearing white shorts before Memorial Day. I'm no fashion wizard but I think that's outlawed in five or six states.
Exhibit F:

Oh great, here we go again with the white shorts. Umm, note to Tom- no one wears flip flops to play golf.
Exhibit E:

This photo was snapped at a recent opening of the Ermenegildo Zegna store. And no, I have no clue what that store sells nor do I care. My only concern is that Brady is standing next to Eli Manning and somehow Manning survived. The fashion faux paus are one thing but standing next to Eli Manning is another. What's next, the Manning boys and Brady going camping together? Come on Tom, how about some photos of you studying film, throwing a football or working out (or with your kid).
I know what you're thinking- that since Brady is off having a good time, that Belichick must be the one putting in 168 hour work weeks in an attempt to hide video equipment in the opponents locker room or coming up with a better game plan for the last Super Bowl. If that's what you were thinking, you're mistaken.
Exhibit A:

Breaking news Bill: losing the Super Bowl isn't funny and neither is your girlfriend or your two kids. At least you're not wearing a Knicks hat.
Exhibit B:

I'm not sure if Belichick is actually kissing this lady or competing in a competition to see how far away from someone he can stand and still have their lips touch. I'm thinking it's the latter. That's what I love about Belichick. Always competing. There's literally no other contact going on- sort of how Rodney HGHarrison plays defense.
Exhibit 3:

This is more like it, Bill. Now could we get some photos of you doing some legal football stuff, too?
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