Here are just a few thoughts on last night's game:
· I'm not sure what to think of the officiating in last night's game. I guess it was pretty bad all around. Or maybe they've just changed the rules and I don't know about them yet. Are you allowed to take two steps or six steps with the ball? Paul Pierce looks to be one of the worst offenders of the new six steps without having to dribble rule. And I guess you can now move directly in front of someone after they've already jumped and get the offensive interference call. That happened a few times to both teams and I think it's pretty lame.

· I love how James Posey refused to let anyone score after the play was whistled dead. Usually guys continue to play an additional second or two after the whistle blows and every time one of the Lakers took a shot after the whistle was blown, he went up and grabbed the ball before it had a chance to go in the hoop. I also like him fouling Lamar Odom about five seconds after the play was whisteld dead. Hey, if Odom wants to continue playing after the whistle, I see nothing wrong with Posey going in for another foul.
· Say what you will about the inability of the Lakers to hold a lead but why do the Celtics feel the need to stink in the first quarter? Not sure if that's the home court advantage, nerves or just being outplayed but it would be nice to play with a lead every once in a while.
· Nice of Kobe Bryant to show up. . . for the first quarter.
· On that note, it's time to hide the women and children. Kobe Bryant's coming back to town.
· Is Rajon Rondo hurt or does he just suck? At this point, I think I'd rather see Alien Cassell playing point guard.
· Who are all those people in suits on the Lakers bench? Seriously, does Phil Jackson need eight assistant coaches? Apparently he does.
· Best play of the night: Sam Cassell and Sash Vujacic both have their hands on the ball and Vujacic tries to rip it out of Cassell's hands at the same time that Cassell lets go, causing Vujacic to basically throw himself to the floor in a violent, contorted movement.
· I'm not sure I understand all of the three point shooting on both sides. The Celtics were 8-22, the Lakers 8-27 last night. It's one thing to have that many when you're nailing them but neither team has been good from three point range.

· The Celtics are 47-7 at home this season, playoffs included.
· The only chance I see of the Lakers coming remotely close to pulling this thing off is if Kendrick Perkins separates his shoulder, Rajon Rondo sprains his ankle and decides to take away Sam Cassell's part as The Mole, Paul Pierce comes down with multiple muscle sprains and Eddie House gets hit so hard on a non call that he starts bleeding uncontrollably from the head. Huh? That's all happened? Uh-oh.
· I said it before and I'll say it again: Celtics in six.
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