During the hearing, Clemens was constantly caught up in his own words (or lies, as I like to say), twisted logic and a timeline that rewrites our numerical system. And this was all before Andy Pettitte's testimony was brought up. And before I even knew that Andy's wife's name was Laura- that was some pretty damaging testimony from her. In his defense, all Clemens said was that Pettitte "misheard" and "misremembered" the story. And Clemens didn't even stray near Laura Petitite's testimony that Andy told her of the conversations at that time and the stories haven't changed.
I'm a New Englander, born and raised, which means that I was born with the 'I hate the Yankees' gene, which I hope to pass on to my children and grandchildren. Having said that, I could see myself going out and buying an Andy Pettitte jersey so that I can celebrate the man who helped bring down Clemens. It just seems appropriate.
Here are more of my thoughts on Clemens and the hearing. And believe me, I want nothing more than to never hear the name Roger Clemens again.

∙ A lot of people are saying that McNamee also took a beating in the hearing but I'm not buying it. Time after time, Clemens was caught in a web of his own lies. By comparison, McNamee was only called out on his prior lies, not the issues pertinent to this case. Yeah, McNamee seems like a relative of scum of the earth but you know what? His story hasn't changed. How many times has Clemens' story changed since the Mitchell Report came out?
∙ The strongest opponent of McNamee turned out to be Representative Dan Burton of Indiana who said to McNamee, "This is really disgusting. I don't know what to believe. I know what I don't believe and that's you." Those seem like awfully strong words coming from a guy who got his girlfriend pregnant and doesn't see his son for years at a time. I guess that's not too bad, except that Burton was married when he got his girlfriend pregnant. Nothing good can ever come of having a wife and a girlfriend.
∙ Can we come up with a new nickname for Clemens? The Rocket just doesn't cut it any more. How about The Syringe? Or Balloon Head? Donkey's behind works good, too.
∙ Boy, it seems like a long time ago that I was a young, impressionable kid who saw Roger Clemens pitch and wanted to be just like him. So much so that I even went out and bought Zest soap that he was the spokesperson for. Do you remember the tag line? "You're not fully clean unless you're Zestfully clean." Perhaps Roger could use some Zest! I would, however, like my money back:
∙ People watching around the world have to be laughing at American government. We have a military presence in more countries than I can count, all in the name of Democracy. And this is what we're spending taxpayer's money doing? Yeah, they probably wouldn't want to look into how Exxon just released figures showing the largest quarterly profit EVER, for any company. And coming up with a plan to help fix the health care crisis in this country just seems like a waste of time. Crumbling school systems? Nah, but boy, we sure gotta get to the bottom of this Roger Clemens thing.

∙ Did you see North Carolina Representative Virginia Fox at the end of the hearing? Yup, that was her holding Roger Clemens' arm and hugging Debbie Clemens after the hearing. Do my taxes go towards her salary?

Luckily, it looks like Clemens might get what he deserves and that's a shot to be left out of the Hall of Fame. And nothing would tick him off more than knowing that all those years that he played by his own rules are now catching up to him. Along with a Federal Grand Jury Indictment.
And while Roger may not have been very up front during the hearing, he was able to speak the truth later in the week:
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