First things first. I pretty much hate the Lakers and it has nothing to do with living in Boston. In fact, I'm not really sure why I hate them. Maybe it's just part of the New England DNA. I just find it hard to like Kobe Bryant, Phil Jackson and some guy who refuses to put an 'l' on the end of his first name (Pau Gasol). I mean, couldn't he take the 'l' from the end of his last name and stick it on the end of his first name? Is that asking too much? Apparently so.
Anyway, since the Celtics closed out the Deeetroit Pistons on Friday night, I've been trying to talk myself into picking the Celtics to win the NBA Championship. And it ain't working. I do have to admit that it would be wicked awesome for Boston sports teams to be holding the MLB World Series trophy, the NFL Super Bowl trophy and the NBA Trophy all in the same year. And to think that we were one win away from the New England Revolution winning the MLS trophy.
Yeah, I know that the Celtics had the best record in the NBA during the regular season, going 66-16 for an .805 winning percentage. But they've looked totally and completly lost during the playoffs. They needed seven games to beat the Atlanta Hawks (an under .500 team), seven games to beat LeBron James and 11 other people I've never heard of and six games to beat an aging and banged up Deeetroit Pistons team. At least it looks like the Celtics remembered how to win on the road in the Deeetroit series.
On the other side, the Lakers finished the year with the third best record in the NBA at 57-25 for a .695 winning percentage and then steamrolled the Denver Nuggets, Utah Jazz and the defending champion San Antonio Spurs- those are just slightly better teams than the ones the Celtics squeaked by.
In my attempt to talk myself into picking the Celtics, I did a quick run down of the starting five for each team and I don't like what I see. I think that Derek Fisher is going to dominate Rajon Rondo at the point guard position. And I certainly don't like Paul Gaso on Kendrick Perkins, even though Perkins has seemed to be playing more physical lately (or at least the three minutes I saw of the game last week). I also have to admit that I don't really like the idea of Lamar Odom on Paul Pierce either. Ever since David Stern fined Pierce for making gang symbols, Pierce hasn't been the same, with the exception of game seven verse LeBron where Pierce single handedly carried the C's to victory. The one matchup that I do like is Kevin Garnett against Vladimr Radmanovic and that's just because I never root for people with the last name of Radmanovic. But even Garnett at times looks like he's shying away from taking big shots and controlling the game.

On a semi-side note to the NBA Championship, who the heck is going to watch this? The games aren't going to start until 9:20 pm. Yeah, I know for all of those crazy LA folks, that's like starting at 6:20 pm. But out here on the better side of the country, these games aren't going to end until after midnight. Good way to get a younger audience involved in your sport. I can understand starting the week day games at night, but why not an hour earlier? And is it necessary to have two Sunday night games start at 9:20? What's the rationale for that? Actually, I know that the rationale is all about advertising dollars and the 24-54 male viewing audience between 9-11 pm but some day there's going to be a whole segment of 24-54 old males who don't care about this game.
So now my pick. On the surface, it looks like the C's are in a ton of trouble. I don't like the starting five matchups and even though Doc Rivers has done an admirable coaching job this year, I would never pick Doc over Phil Jackson, who has won so many NBA titles that I didn't even bother to look it up. In the end, I feel like picking the C's over the Lakers would be like picking the New York Giants to beat an 18-0 Patriots team in last year's Super Bowl. Did you really think that Tom Coughlin would outcoach Bill Belichick in a Super Bowl? I mean, who in their right mind would think that an undermanned NFL team going to their first Super Bowl would beat the MVP, coach of the year and the perennial contender? Something like that happening could only be pulled off if an unknown receiver came out of no where to make an amazing catch that would ultimately lead to the winning touchdown with less than a minute left. Huh? That happened? The Patriots lost the Super Bowl? Seriously? If the Celtics win we're only going to have two champions in this city, not three?
Screw it. If Tom Coughlin can do it, so can Doc. Celtics in six!
Beat LA! Beat LA! Beat LA! Beat LA!
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